Trip to Mont Tremblant - Tips

Trip to Mont Tremblant - Tips
Mont Tremblant Image by iulian_ursache (from pixaby)

In this post, I would like to share small tips that I learned from my first Mont Tremblant trip. These tips are purely from my personal thoughts, so some people might think these are too obvious or disagree some of them. Please take them selectively if needed and hopefully you get some useful information in this post.

Ok. Enough intro. Let's get to the points.

Ski Lift Ticket

If you are like me who bought or plan to buy the tickets partially from the promotions (some afternoon tickets + full day promotion adult tickets + a regular child ticket), I would recommend not to use the ticket kiosk. Even though you scan the right QR code from your email for a given date into the ticket kiosk, you probably receive the promotion tickets instead of regular afternoon ticket for the given date you initially intend to use. This happened to both me and my friend's family. In order to solve this, you need to visit the ticket office.

Therefore, instead of using ticket kiosk, go to the ticket office directly. All you need to provide is your order number (Like 60501553 from the above image) and they will print all your purchased tickets.

One benefit from getting all tickets for me was that you don't need to verify the proof of vaccination every day during your trip. They will punch a hole on your entire lift tickets as a proof that vaccination checking is completed.

The proof of vaccination is no longer required now. Hopefully, we don't do this in the future.


If you are at beginner level and don't feel comfortable using blue trails, the following trails might be a good routine to start with. Obviously, if there is strong wind on south side, then try using trails on north side and vice versa.

For South Side

  • 2 LA CRETE -> 4 NANSEN HAUT -> 6 NANSEN BAS (Longest trails - 6 kim)
  • 40 FRNC SUD->95 L'ALGONQUIN (Green) -> Taking LE SOLEIL lift

For North Side

  • 72 P'TIT BONHEUR -> Taking LOWELLTHOMAS lift

Lift Closing Time

If you have been skiing from various ski resorts such as Blue mountain, Moonstone, Horseshoe, Snow Valley, etc in Ontario, you might get used to doing a night ski. Unfortunately,  there is no night ski at Mont Tremblant. When I visited, lifts stopped running at 4 pm. Lift closing time may varied during a season, so please check the closing time from this page ahead of time.

Moreover, if you're like me who wants to enjoy skiing even a few minutes more, then try the following trails before almost closing time.

  • 2 LA CRETE -> 7 ALPINE -> Taking TGV lift -> 8 BEAUVALLON HAUT -> 20 DESSERRES -> 29 JOHANNSEN

This routine will lead you to the lift in the middle, take you to the top again and make you choose your true final trails for the day.

Ski Valet

This is a must service you need. Before I visited Mont Tremblant, I was not aware of this ski valet service at all. Luckily, the hotel I stayed let me know and I truly felt grateful whenever I used the ski valet service on both a lunch break and the closing time. Bring you and your family's ski equipments back to your hotel wouldn't be easy since you probably feel exhausted already. Most importantly, this service is totally free.

So, before you book your hotel, make sure you ask whether your hotel provides ski valet service.  Your life will be much easier during the trip.

Hot Tub After Ski

Unless you hate using a hot tub, I strongly recommend using it after you enjoy your ski. Putting your tired body into the hot water for some time not only gets rid of fatigue but also make you feel refresh just as you get the massage from a famous massage therapist.

On a Way Back Home

One big mistake I made was driving home directly from Mont Tremblant. Especially, I also had afternoon ski and there was a snow storm on my last day. Luckily, I got home safely, but driving itself was not fun at all. If you require a long driving distance to get home and plan to do afternoon ski as well, I strongly recommend staying some place in the middle. In my case, Ottawa was the good place to stop by and take a rest. If I have a chance to do this Mont Tremblant trip again, I will definitely stay at Ottawa one night.

This is it. Hope you don't feel disappointed about these tips and again I am able to give you at least one or two useful information via this post.

Thanks for your time as always!