Trip to Mont Tremblant - Planning

Trip to Mont Tremblant - Planning
René-Pierre Normandeau @polarmedia (unsplash)

Planning for a family trip always fun and exciting. A process of planning and researching about a trip brings me to the destination ahead of time in my imagination and show me how a trip would look like. Of course, sometimes, the reality of the actual trip betrays my "supposed-to-be-well-plan" and the entire trip goes to the totally different direction with various unexpected events.

But, I know all these will become eventually the part of our valuable memories...

Why Mont Tremblant?

With the invasion of Covid virus to our life, my family trip had become a series of staycations for almost 2 years. Staying home sounded easy at first time, but we realized it actually gave my family very hard times both mentally and physically. As my daughter’s march break for 2022 was coming up, I wanted to do a family trip that can fulfill the followings:

  • Outside activity that whole family can enjoy
  • Less safety concern
  • Somewhere that requires a bit of driving distance
  • Being beneficial for my daughter’s education

So...the only place I can think of is...Mont Tremblant!

Our whole family loves skiing, so it can definitely be the best option where my whole family can enjoy for sure. Moreover, we can still wear a mask while we enjoy skiing. Moreover, checking vaccine proof is mandatory for those who stay at a hotel or use a ski lift in Mont Tremblant. This activity would give us relatively less concern in terms of safety measure.

Google Map from my home to Mont Tremblant

Mon Tremblant is 6.5 hours driving distance from my home, so this wouldn’t be bad to get some fresh airs outside of my current region. Lastly, Mon Tremblant is in Quebec, so this can be a perfect chance for my daughter to practice her french language.

So..Why not Mont Tremblant?

Planning - Dates

My daughter's march break is from March 14 to March 18. However, I know during this time, the price usually goes up. So I decided to stay in Mont Tremblant a week before the march break which was from March 9, 10 and 11.

Actually, this was a good decision. The accommodation price was relatively cheaper,  there were less people in ski hills and most importantly weather was also perfect (Except for the evening on the last day when snow storms hit me on my way back home).

Planning - Accommodation

Once the dates were set, I started looking for a place to stay.  Even though, I picked the dates a week before the actual march break, the hotel prices in Mont Tremblant were still expensive. However, I had TD reward points that I collected during promotion last year and was able to redeem $590 by leveraging Expedia for TD.

With benefit of using the reward points, I would like to stay a hotel where the Express Gondola are easily accessible and also can cook inside the room. Of course, the price should not be too high. After spending quite some research time, I chose the hotel called Ermitage Du Lac.

Ermitage Du Lac in Google Map

To be honest, this hotel is not directly closed to the Express gondola. However, it is closed enough to the lift located inside of the village, so accessing to the gondola wouldn't be an issue.

Lift in the village (Image from iulian_ursache / 76 images in pixabay)

So, our place to stay was finally set!

Planning - Lift Ticket

I never thought the lift ticket can be the highest potion of the entire travel expense, but this was the actual case.

Here is the regular lift price that can be found from the official website.

Lift Price on the official website

According to this chart, the lift price of full day regular for a family of 2 adults and 1 child per day is $306 (before tax).  However, if you actually visit the page where you purchase the ticket, you can find that the price can be varied based on date.

For example of March 2022,

Lift price in the purchase page

Moreover, there is lift ticket promotion in Mont Tremblant and check the official site frequently if you plan to purchase the ticket.

For your information, Mont Tremblant does not have a night ski. All lifts stop working at 4 pm when I visited. Afternoon lift ticket is valid between 12 pm and 4 pm.

In my case,  I know I can't use three full day passes, so I planned to purchase the lift tickets as follows:

  • March 9 - First day. Only Afternoon Ski
  • March 10 - Full Day
  • March 11 - Last day (Check out). Only Afternoon Ski

Moreover, there was a promotion that I was able to purchase 1 day adult ticket for $95. I used the promotion to cover me and my wife on our second day. So the final price that I ended up paying was $838.46 (after tax).

After purchasing the lift ticket, only thing our family needed to do was to pack the luggages properly and enjoy the trip!

I'll continue posting about how my Mont Tremblant trip went and share some tips that I learned.

Thanks for reading this post!